Taj Mahal
Agra, India

Taj Mahal in India (Agra, India) - Indian mausoleum, tomb

Where is located Taj Mahal?

Address of Taj Mahal is Agra, India
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When was built Taj Mahal?

Built date of Taj Mahal is Years 1630 - 1653

Taj Mahal

Facts, informations and history of Taj Mahal

This one of the most beautiful and romantic tombs in the world was built by Shah Jehan of the Mogul dynasty to commemorate his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal. When the tomb was ready, the coffin was covered with a layer of pure gold, and Shah Jehan was supposed to additionally sprinkle it with pearls and diamonds. In front of the building there were 2000 soldiers who had to guard these fabulous treasures day and night.

It was built between 1632 and 1653, and it took 22 years to complete this amazing piece of architecture.

There were 20,000 workers on the construction site, who not only came from all Asian countries, but also from France and Italy.

The Taj Mahal was made of marble brought from a quarry more than 320 km away, but it is not a white building, the marble surfaces are decorated with thousands of precious and semi-precious stones, and black marble was used for calligraphy decorations.

The marbles contain 28 kinds of precious and semi-precious gems. The main building material, i.e. heavy white marble, was transported from Rajasthan. Turquoise comes from Tibet, while jadeit comes from China.

Many of these precious stones were ripped from the walls by the British during the Indian rebellion in 1857.

The road to the Taj Mahal leads through a gate, then through a wonderful garden surrounded by a wall.

The Taj Mahal complex includes a large garden, a swimming pool with a reflection, a mosque and other mausoleums.

The building has an onion-shaped shape, with turrets on the wings, the central dome itself is 24.5 m high and 17.7 m in diameter.

All four sides of the Taj Mahal are perfectly identical, creating an astonishingly similar image from each side.

The tomb is a sacrifice and homage to Mumtaz Mahal, it has calligraphy in all its interior and exterior, calligraphy whose patterns and sacred inscriptions identify and praise Mumtaz Mahal.

In the main chamber of the building there are false sarcophagi of Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Yahan, their actual graves are on a lower level.

The estimated cost of construction is an enormous amount of 32 million Indian rupees of that time, which, given the value of money today, would be well above 1 billion dollars.

The building underwent extensive renovation at the end of the 19th century, completed in 1908. Renovation was commissioned by Lord Curzon, once Viceroy of the British Indies.

The Taj Mahal was elected one of the New Seven Wonders of the World in 2007, winning over 100 million votes.

In 1983 the Taj Mahal was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The building attracts about 3 million tourists a year.

"Dream of marble, Apotheosis of femininity, Wonderful charm."
"The general impression passes all expectations.The simplicity of the design and the richness of work combine into a wonderful work of art, which may be comparable with the temples of the Greeks, the most famous medieval cathedrals, Renaissance beauty." - Karl Baedeker

Architect of Taj Mahal

Architect of Taj Mahal is Emperor Shah Jahan
Emperor Shah Jahan

How many meters have Taj Mahal?

Height of Taj Mahal is 73 meters

how many meters have Taj MahalScale

Construction/building type

Building Taj Mahal is of type Tomb

Architectural style

Architectural style of Taj Mahal is Islamic

The Islamic architectural style is a style that developed in Muslim countries from the 7th to the 15th centuries. It is characteristic of Muslim architecture and consists of various elements that are specific to Muslim culture. ... czytaj więcej.

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions

Taj Mahal

What area have Taj Mahal?

Taj Mahal have area of About 3250 m²

What material is the building made of?

Taj Mahal is made of the following materials: Stone, marble


Build cost of Taj Mahal is 32 million Indian rupees

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. Taj Mahal

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is http://www.tajmahal.gov.in

Comments to Taj Mahal (105) Average rating: 5 Add comment    /    Rate building

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Tadeusz Pk
Tadeusz Pk
1 year ago
Warto by było tam pojechać i pozwiedzać, a przy okazji całe Indie zobaczyć i spróbować ich smacznej zdrowej kuchni.
Overall rating: detailed ratings
4 years ago
4 years ago
Ta budowla jest super, chociaż lepsza historia:).
bla bla bla
bla bla bla
4 years ago
Zawsze marzyłam żeby tam pojechać.
14 years ago
Czy ktoś mógł by poiwiedzieć jaki właściwie ma kolor bo w jednych podaniach czytanm że rzeczywiście jest biały a w innych że wbrew fotografią nie jest on biały ale czarny. Proszę o odpowiedź najlepiej kogoś kto naprawde widział.Dziękuję
12 years ago
Byłem w 2011 r widziałem -to należy zobaczyć w oryginale aby ocenić to cudo,chociaż fort w Agrze bardzo imponujący
15 years ago
I luv it!!
15 years ago
Fajna budowla.
15 years ago
Czaderska budowla !!!
15 years ago
Ta budowla jest całkiem całkiem normalna . tak sądzę
15 years ago
zobaczyć te budowle to moje najwieksze marzenie :) mam nadzieje ze kiedys mi sie uda je zrealizowac. pozdrawiam wszystkich
15 years ago
odkaladalem te podroz choc bardzo chcialam ten CUD SWIATA zobaczyc Teraz jestem chora ale mam wielka nadzieje ze zanim nie bede mogla sie poruszc to jeszcze moze zdaze zobaczyc ta budowle pozdrawiam wszystkich
15 years ago
A ja go zobaczę 07.07.08r. i już się nie mogę doczekać!!!
16 years ago
Bardzo ciekawa budowla,na zdjęciach widać ze musi być bardzo duża ,i piękna,podoba mi sie.Chciałabym ją kiedyś zobaczyć na własne oczy....
16 years ago
zajebiaszczy brak slow
16 years ago
dobra praca !! bardzo mi pomogła dzienki :)
16 years ago
BYłem i widziałem wali na kolana , kazdy powinien miec szanse zobaczyć co moożna zbudować z miłosći
16 years ago
Coś cudownego. Ma piękny wyglad i piękną historie dzięki której powstał. Dobrze że znalazł się na liście 7 cudów świata. Kiedyś tam pojade :)
16 years ago
Cud świata!bardzo chciałabym to zobaczyć na własne oczy.
16 years ago
bylam, widzialam. faktycznie robi wrazenie. szczegolnie zdobienia - koronkowe marmurowe i kolorowe mozaiki. piekne
17 years ago
Bajka........przepiękna pozostałość duszy!!! Kiedyś Tam pojadę!
17 years ago
Ten budynek jest PRZEPIĘKNY, aż brak mi słów żeby go opisać...
17 years ago
marze o tym aby zobacztc to na wlasne oczy... zakochalam sie w tym"palacu" od pierwszego wejrzenia...
17 years ago
It's great
17 years ago
ta budowla jest przefantastyczna i piekna! ale nie stety musze ja narysowac:\ ale i tak mnie zachwyca...

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