Olympic Stadium in Montreal
Montreal, Canada

Olympic Stadium in Montreal (Canada) - prepared for 1976 Summer Olympics

Where is located Olympic Stadium in Montreal?

Address of Olympic Stadium in Montreal is Montreal, Quebec, Canada
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When was built Olympic Stadium in Montreal?

Built date of Olympic Stadium in Montreal is 1976 - completion of construction

Olympic Stadium in Montreal

Facts, informations and history of Olympic Stadium in Montreal

Before each match, the stadium plays the Canadian and American anthems.

The tower is only one foot higher than the Washington Monument and is tilted by 45 °. It is the highest inclined structure in the world. It weighs over 8,000 tons, and its foundations are dug 92 meters underground.

In the summer of 1991, the stadium was closed, after a 55-tonne concrete beam fell and crashed on the aisle. Forcing the local Expos team to play the last 13 home matches away.

In 1986, engineers were forced to change the roofing system from concrete to steel. A year later, 18 500 m² of 50 tons roof area, orange and silver, bulletproof synthetic fiber were finally covered.

The roof raised by 26 steel cables was designed to make up the adjacent tower, just like an umbrella. The opening took about 25 minutes and it could not take place in the wind above 25 miles per hour. Due to mechanical defects, the roof, which costs 700 thousand dollars in one-year maintenance, did not open.

The roof has been completely closed for several seasons, eventually in the spring of 1998 the orange roof was replaced with a costly $ 26 million opaque blue Teflon roof.

The roof was resistant even to the coldest.

You can get to the viewing platform located on the top of the tower within 2 minutes with a special 90-person cable car.

Architect of Olympic Stadium in Montreal

Architect of Olympic Stadium in Montreal is Roger Taillibert
Roger Taillibert

How many meters have Olympic Stadium in Montreal?

Height of Olympic Stadium in Montreal is 169 meters

how many meters have Olympic Stadium in MontrealScale

Construction/building type

Building Olympic Stadium in Montreal is of type Dome, Opened stadium

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions

Olympic Stadium in Montreal

What area have Olympic Stadium in Montreal?

Olympic Stadium in Montreal have area of 104 m x 175 m

What material is the building made of?

Olympic Stadium in Montreal is made of the following materials: Plastic, concrete, steel


Build cost of Olympic Stadium in Montreal is $ 1 billion

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. Olimpic Stadium, The Big O

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is http://parcolympique.qc.ca/en/the-park/olympic-stadium/

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gen.astro Hubert
gen.astro Hubert
17 years ago
17 years ago
Super budowwla! Podoba mi się. Co prawda w niej nie byłam, ale wygląda odjazdowo i szałowo. Hit sezonu 2006!
19 years ago
Montreal jest piękny.A Stadion Olimpijski jest bardzo ładny!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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