Mount Rushmore
United States

Mount Rushmore in South Dakota - rock with a 18 meter high faces of four US presidents

Where is located Mount Rushmore?

Address of Mount Rushmore is South Dakota, USA
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When was built Mount Rushmore?

Built date of Mount Rushmore is 1927-1941

Mount Rushmore

Facts, informations and history of Mount Rushmore

The 18-meter faces of four American presidents look at the vertical granite rock: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.

A local historian and publicist, Doane Robinson, came up with the idea of ​​a mountain-monument. He thought that this eye-catching project would attract tourists to the beautiful Black Hills mountains. In 1924 he interested Gutzon Borglum in his intention and it was decided to create a "temple of democracy". Borglum intended to carve them all the way to the waist, and since he never finished the work, he should be glad that he started from the top.

Borglum, led a team of local workers and miners, who extracted the outlines of big heads from the rock by blowing up parts of the mountain with dynamite, and then shaped the rock with a drill, hammer and chisel , hanging down on the swinging platforms.

The main sculptor was helped by his son and over 400 other workers who removed a total of about 450,000 tons of stone from the mountainside during construction.

The entire relief is visible from a distance of 100 km.

Due to the bad weather and conflicts in the management, work continued to be stopped, and finally the heads of the presidents were unveiled: Washington in 1930, Jefferson in 1936, Lincoln in 1937 and Roosevelt in 1939.

Initially, Thomas Jefferson was sculpted to the right of George Washington. However, after 18 months it was decided to change it, so Jefferson's face was blown up and sculpted on the other side of Washington.

The mountain took its name from the name of Charles E. Rushmore, a lawyer who, having arrived in South Dakota for work, found this mountain. Asking residents about her name, he learned that there was no name, and then stated that "From now on we will call it Mount Rushmore."

Maintenance of the work requires annual care, monitoring, cleaning and sealing of cracks, these works are undertaken by trained mountain climbers. However, this will not stop natural erosion. It is estimated that due to erosion, about 3 cm in volume of the mountain will be lost within 10,000 years.

Over 3 million tourists visit Mount Rushmore annually.

Architect of Mount Rushmore

Architect of Mount Rushmore is John Gutzon de la Mothe Borglum

How many meters have Mount Rushmore?

Height of Mount Rushmore is 18 meters - every face

how many meters have Mount RushmoreScale

Construction/building type

Building Mount Rushmore is of type Monument, Monument

What material is the building made of?

Mount Rushmore is made of the following materials: Granite


Build cost of Mount Rushmore is Almost a million dollars

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. Mount Rushmore

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is

Comments to Mount Rushmore (15) Average rating: 4,0 Add comment    /    Rate building

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1 year ago
Powinni taką samą zrobić w Polsce, też mamy prezydentów którzy walczyli o Polskę. Ci obecni są beznadziejni ale cofnąć się do IIRP .
miłośnik TATR
miłośnik TATR
3 years ago
W Giewoncie - Głowa JPII
Gall Anonim
Gall Anonim
16 years ago
Proponuje wykuc w Tatrach glowy: Jaruzelskiego, Walesy, Kwasniewskiego i Kaczynskiego. Niech puchna z dumy. "Ciemny lud to kupi'' jak rzekl klasyk. Nie podaje nick'u bo smutni panowie przyjda po mnie o czwartej rano a nie mam giwery pod barlogiem. P.s. gurole beda mogli zdzierac od sycka jeszcze wiecej dutkow, aloha amigos!
16 years ago
Prawda jest taka, że bezczelnością ze strony Amerykanów było wyrzeźbić głowy prezydentów na świętej górze Indian. Warto powiedzieć, że do Czarnych Wzgórz pasuje tylko pracowicie wykuwany w skale od dwóch pokoleń pomnik Szalonego Konia (Crazy Horse'a).
18 years ago
A ja mam dostarczyć za tydzień prace o tej całej górze ale po niemiecku, a tam jest garska informacji, jak nie bedę tego miała to dostane pałe(u nas szóstke)
18 years ago
widzialem osobiscie, wspaniale dzielo
18 years ago
a rzeżba jest ciekawa
Zero Corporation Inc.
Zero Corporation Inc.
18 years ago
Nie! to nieprawda
18 years ago
Słyszałem plotkę o zniszczeniu pomnika. Czy to prawda/
18 years ago
Słyszałem plotkę o zniszczeniu pomnika. Czy to prawda/
19 years ago
Mnie także podoba sie ta rzeźba jest pomysłowa i oryginalna
19 years ago
Dzieki za opis góry ;) Pomogla mi w lekcjach i dostalem 6 :D serdeczne dziekuje :)
19 years ago
Mi się tam rzeźba bardzo podoba i sądzę, że ludzie naprawdę byli dobrzy, że takie cos zrobili.
niezla strona panowie
niezla strona panowie
19 years ago
dobrz ze nie ma tych prezydentów bo terrorysci z calego swiata nie dawaliby spokoju tej rzezbie
20 years ago
hehhe dobrze ze Clintona i Buscha tam nie ma bo ta plaskozesba by juz byla okropna!

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